Complaints Policy

At Polly, we want to ensure our clients receive the best possible service. If you are not satisfied with the level of service provided by us, we will aim to resolve this as soon as possible.
If you have a complaint.
You can notify us of your complaint using any of the following methods:
0117 325 3438
In writing to:
The Compliance Manager,
Candid Insurance Services Ltd,
920 Aztec West,
BS32 4SR.
If your complaint is of a service-related nature, we aim to resolve your concerns immediately or whenever possible within three working days. If this is not possible, we will promptly acknowledge your complaint in writing no later than five working days after receipt.
If your complaint concerns the provision of (or failure to provide) a service by another firm authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, such as an insurer, we will promptly refer your complaint in writing to the firm. In these circumstances we will provide you with the full contact details for the firm and, if the other firm is solely responsible, our final response.
If your complaint concerns the provision of (or failure to provide) a service by us, where we can we aim to resolve your complaint within three working days. Where this is possible, we will send you a letter or email explaining that we believe your complaint has been resolved and what your rights are.
We will endeavour to resolve your complaint at the earliest possible stage, however, should this take longer than outlined above, we will continue to thoroughly investigate the matter and will send our final response to you in writing no later than eight weeks after receipt of your complaint.
Our final response letter will set out our conclusion of the complaint and outline any redress that may be offered to you.
We will keep you regularly informed of our progress and the measures being taken to resolve your complaint. You are welcome to contact us at any time to check the status of our investigation.
If you are still dissatisfied and wish to pursue your complaint further, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of receiving our final response. They will complete their own investigation into your complaint to establish if it should be upheld or rejected.
Their contact details are:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
E14 9SR
0300 1239 123
Information regarding the service can be found on the Financial Ombudsman website: